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Client Registration

Third parties’ business owners should start creating accounts on Neoleap Developer Portal. Clients should provide the following information: username, email, password, first name, last name, password and consumer organization name.

Once accounts are created, business owners should activate their accounts through the activation links sent to their registered emails.

Now, business owners can explore our products, create applications and subscribe to the plans that meet their needs. Moreover, they can invite TPP developers to start exploring and create consumer applications too.

Subscription process is described hereunder (Clients must have at least one active consumer application to complete the subscription process):

  • Clients should choose which product and plan to which they are willing to subscribe.
  • Clients should confirm subscription details. Then, subscription request will be submitted for review.
  • The request will be reviewed and approved by Neoleap concerned team. During the approval cycle, clients should provide the following technical artifacts.
    • Client public certificate signed by SAMA.
    • Redirection URL. It will be used for FAPI redirection security profile.
    • Callback URL. It will be used for CIBA security profile.
    • JWK. It will be used in tokens digital signature.
  • Once the subscription is approved, the subscribers will receive a subscription approval confirmation email to start consuming our APIs. Moreover, clients should retrieve Neoleap certificate and Neoleap JWK from OIDC well known endpoint:

Download Full Registration Document